Ordering & Payment Details

- Click on the 'Add to Cart' button located at the bottom of the item description and fill in your particulars & item code(s). The order form will be opened in another window, which allows you to refer back to our webpage at the same time to continue browsing the catalogue.
- Once you're done filling up the order form, click on the 'Checkout' button that is located at the bottom of the page to submit your orders.


 - An invoice (catsnzombies@gmail.com) will be sent to your email address you've registered within 24 hours once you have sent in the order form. Please check your spam/ junk folders if you fail to receive any invoice after 24 hours. If no invoice is sent to you, please drop us an email at ask.catsnzombies@gmail.com with the subject title, "Missing Invoice".

- Payment has to be made within 24 hours upon receiving the invoice. If failure to do so, you will be classified as a dead buyer and you will be privately blacklisted. Please ask for an extension (state it in the order form) if you think you are unable to make payment within the stipulated time frame.

CATS ‘N ZOMBIES currently accepts the following payment options: 
- DBS/ POSB ATM Transfer

- DBS/ POSB iBanking Transfer

- DBS/ POSB Cash Deposit (highly recommended for customers without a bank account)